Thursday, December 4, 2014


Rating: 8 

That afternoon we rushed to Candi Ratu Boko after visiting Candi Prambanan. Since it is located not too far from Candi Prambanan (approx. 3 km South), we underestimated the time of our visit. It was almost sunset and we got lost on our way. A couple of minutes before the sun set in, we arrived. We were told that the site was closing soon, but we entered anyway.

50 meters after the ticket box, we were so surprised by the view already. We were not even inside the complex yet. The leading road to the main gate of the complex has this spectacular sunset view overlooking the Klaten-Sleman area. With trees vignetting the view, making nice pattern with the silhouette.

few meters from the main entrance

After taking so many pictures, we run to the main gate of the complex to catch the last minutes of the sunset. We climbed up the stairs and welcomed by a rude group of amateur photography club or something. They were rudely yelling at everybody who stood in the middle of the gate or even just passing by to get to the other side of the area. Such a mood breaker :(

And not just us, other visitors were disturbed by this too since they were group of 20-30 persons who kept on yelling, name calling and intimidating every single person who passed by the gate. For this reason we could not take good images of the gate itself and the beautiful view felt a little less magnificent with those disturbing people around. 

One of our friend we met on this journey visit Ratu Boko a couple of days after and he had the same issue with a group of "photography club". Not sure if this is an ongoing issue or we just a little bit unlucky to meet those groups -.-

One of so many failed attempts of making cool silhouette >.<

But anyway, we went up to the site and got a better view of the sunset (or should I say the best?). I could not even explain how breathtaking it was. These images do no justice to the real experience. The ambience was really romantic and mellow (but got ruined by the continuous yelling from that amateur photography club -_-)

We could see Candi Prambanan from this spot. Had it been brighter, we could take a good shot of Candi Prambanan. But I don't mind since I could get a precious view of the beautiful sunset. I rarely get the chance to capture a perfect shape of the sun (so round and orangey >.<), setting in with the sky in one of my favorite color combination.

Unfortunately we could not visit the 16 hectares complex of Ratu Boko since they closed the area after it get super dark (no lamp or whatsoever around the complex). But I was a happy girl to witness such a great sunset from the gate!

We cannot give you a full review or rating of the place since we only managed to get to the main gate. But we give the Sunset at the Main Gate experience an 8. I personally want to give a 9 if there was no disturbing group at the area ;P



1. If you are a group of professional or amateur photography club with good ethic, please do book the whole Ratu Boko complex for your own session and do not disturb other visitors. Mind you that it is a public space. If your project is really that important, please do spend some money to close the area for yourself.

2. Go at the sunset! And go with your loved one! I did get a little bit jealous looking at some couples admiring those pretty sunset :P


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